Lisa’s Triple Ten Walk Now that the schools have returned, we have, understandably, been experiencing an upsurge in requests for financial assistance. While […]

Now that the schools have returned, we have, understandably, been experiencing an upsurge in requests for financial assistance. While it’s been possible for us to help everyone so far, our inability to fund raise over the lockdown period has had a significant impact on the charity’s bank balance. Our worry is that we could end up in a situation where people approach us and we have to let them down .

Consequently, we’ve decided to organise “Lisa’s Triple Ten Walk”. This, very simply, is an appeal asking you to join us in walking 10k on Saturday the 10th of October. In the interests of safety, the route you take will be entirely up to you: you can do it with friends or relatives or simply solo; if the 10th doesn’t suit you, just find a date that does. You could make it a day out or stay local. If you prefer, spread the walk over a couple of days!

Whenever and wherever you walk, we’d love it if you could send us photos for the website.

The crucial part, of course, is that you make as many people as possible (ideally 10!) aware of this. If they feel they’d like to join in, or simply donate to the charity, that would be fantastic. All the money raised will go straight into the Lisa’s Gift account, ready for redistribution to the boys and girls who really need it.