Camino Day 13

San Juan de Ortega to Burgos. “Terrific. That’s terrific. Terrific. Absolutely.” I’ve been told that I need to keep it […]

San Juan de Ortega to Burgos.

“Terrific. That’s terrific. Terrific. Absolutely.”

I’ve been told that I need to keep it short for the next few days (you’ll be gutted about that) as Lynne, our blog editor, is in Ireland.

Today was a 26k grind along a mixture of stony paths and busy roads, the vast majority of the scenery pleasant without coming anywhere near previous walks through Navarra and Rioja. We had chosen the so called scenic route for the final quarter of the journey as it led you into Burgos along the side of the river. Initial impressions of this scenic route weren’t great: an industrial works with a big smoking chimney, followed by the perimeter of the city’s airport. Not exactly inspirational. To be fair, when we reached the parkland and river that form the final few kilometres into the centre, it became really nice. They’ve even created a small sandy beach at a section of the riverside where people were sunbathing!

Graffiti is a significant issue in Spanish cities, and yet again a lovely setting was spoiled by spray painted messages etc. along sections of wall that ran parallel to the river. I’m clearly getting old: I just hate to see the detritus of these self appointed “street decorators” ruining the views for everyone else (thus spake Meldrew).

Sounding a bit high horsey today I fear. The good news is , we’re in our hotel and we’ve got tomorrow off ! The bad news is C’s foot is a scene of carnage. It’s off to the farmacia tonight for pads and stuff.

Today’s album track is “Fire” by Kasabian ( as opposed to The Crazy World of Arthur Brown – sadly I’m old enough to remember that ) because Carolyn says her foot felt on fire for most of the walk………ouch!

Oh – one final thing. The website’s MyDonate page hasn’t been working properly, so we’ve set up a Just Giving page which you can access from the blog if you’d like to donate a couple of pounds. Sorry for this hassle. Anyone who used the MyDonate button can rest assured that their donation has made its way into the charity’s account; from what I understand it hasn’t been straightforward, whereas the Just Giving one should be. Thanks a million.

And now I’ll leave you in peace.